Thinking about self-care, you probably focus on your mental or physical well-being, whether it involves taking some “me” time and scheduling a massage, hanging out with friends, or curling up on the couch to watch a movie. While these aspects are important, you should also focus on financial self-care.

Practicing financial self-care helps you stay on top of your money situation, such as adding to your savings account or paying down debt. It can also help you avoid falling into financial pitfalls including missing important due dates or failing to save for an unexpected expense.

It’s best to practice weekly financial self-care, and the best part is that it shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes each week to perform these tasks. You don’t have to complete all these tasks in one day, but try to tackle them each week so you can stay on top of your finances.

Check your bank accounts: Doing this can help you track your spending and monitor any potentially fraudulent transactions.

Review due dates and payments: Consider automating your payments to help you with this task. That way you’re prepared when due dates arrive, and you can set up reminders when due dates approach.

Look at your budget: Review your budget and make sure it’s working for you. Take note of any expenses added or removed for that month.

Practicing good financial self-care takes time, but doing so can help you develop strong money habits that will last a long time. The sooner you get started, the closer you will be to reaching your financial goals and saving money.,,

We are ready to help you find the best possible mortgage solution for your situation. Contact Sheila Siegel at Synergy Financial Group today.