Not only does our body language let other people know how we’re feeling, but it can also affect our own moods. If you’re trying to improve your state of mind, use these body language tips to change the way you feel.

Smile: A team of researchers at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville combined data from 138 studies that tested more than 11,000 people and found that smiling really can make you feel happier. So if you’re having a bad day, smile! It just might improve your mood.

Stand in a power pose: In the wild, animals often try to express their power by stretching out and making themselves appear bigger. People can do the same thing. If you’re in a situation where you want to feel more powerful, find yourself a private spot and stand in a power pose for two minutes. Here’s what to do:

  • Stand up straight.
  • Widen your stance.
  • Push your shoulders back.
  • Lift your head high.
  • Raise your arms above your head in a “V” shape.

Studies have shown that holding this pose increases testosterone levels and decreases cortisol levels, which can improve your mood and make you feel more powerful.

Cross your arms: Crossing your arms is typically considered a negative body pose because it puts up a physical barrier and indicates signs of nervousness or insecurity. However, some studies have shown that crossing your arms can also make you more persistent. If you’re being challenged and feel like quitting, crossing your arms might give you the boost you need to keep going.

The next time you need to improve your state of mind, don’t forget how your body language can affect your mood.

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