
What Is a Bridge Loan? A Way to Buy a New Home Before You Sell the Old One

What is a bridge loan? As the name suggests, bridge loans offer a short-term loan or “bridge” that allows borrowers to purchase new real estate property by using the home they currently own as collateral. [...]

7 DIY Home Improvement Projects That Promise Big-Time ROI

Let’s face it: Your DIY project doesn’t make sense if it won’t make cents—it needs to pay off when it comes time to sell your home. That's why we're bringing you seven projects that [...]

California Announces Two Programs for Current or Future California Homeowners

California Housing Finance Agency Introduces Forgivable Equity Builder Loan to Help First-Time Homebuyers Loan is forgiven if the buyer stays in the home for five years. California Department of Housing and Community Development Announces $67 [...]

Be the Mayor of Your Very Own Old West Town

Listed for $4.7 million, the secluded property in Colorado is a modern replica of a town you might have seen in the 1800s—complete with a bank building, hotel, saloon, general store, and more. by [...]

These Will Be the 10 Hottest Real Estate Markets in 2022

We crunched the data and dusted off our crystal balls to pull together a forecast of the housing markets expected to sizzle in 2022. These are the places where prices and the number of [...]

By |May 4th, 2022|Categories: Real Estate|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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