
Overflowing Gutters? How To Fix That

Gutters play an important role in removing rainwater from your house, so when they're clogged, they don't work effectively. The water simply spills over the sides of your gutter and can cause issues such [...]

How Interest Rates Impact Buying Power

Before you even begin searching for a home, you need to know the relationship between mortgage rates and buying power. Purchasing power is the cost of the home you're interested in buying that's within [...]

Recession On The Horizon?

What's currently the buzz that many financial pundits have been warning of in the past few months? A possible recession down the road with some even saying the U.S. is currently in an economic [...]

How Can “If This Then That” Integrate Your Smart Home Devices

It's no surprise that the internet has taken over most people's lives, and it's certainly evident in homes. Each home has an average of more than two dozen internet-connected devices, so it makes sense [...]

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