Technology has helped create amazing advancements in medicine, communication, transportation, and more. However, it has also created a fast-paced world and significantly shortened our attention spans. Signs of a short attention span include missing important details, getting easily distracted, and an inability to complete tasks. If this sounds like you, don’t worry. You can work to improve your attention span using these helpful tips.

Cut down on screen time: Too much time staring at a phone or computer screen can cause you to lose focus. Plus, random notifications from your apps can also make your attention wander. To improve your concentration, try putting your phone out of sight when you’re working.

Take notes: If you need to pay attention during a meeting, leave the laptop behind and bring a pen and paper instead. Researchers have found that taking notes by hand improves active listening. It demands your focus, which improves your memory and helps you recall specific information.

Drink more water: Being dehydrated isn’t just bad for your body; it’s also bad for your attention span. While even mild dehydration can reduce your ability to concentrate, it’s not enough to trigger thirst. This is why it’s always important to drink plenty of water throughout the day — especially right before situations where you need to focus.

Stop multitasking: While multitasking is an important skill, dividing your attention between too many tasks can negatively impact your attention span. If you’re trying to take care of multiple tasks at once and you feel your concentration starting to slip, then you know it’s time to slow down and force yourself to handle one task at a time.

Source: Lifehack

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