Even though spring doesn’t officially begin until March, you can start preparing your home for the change in seasons. Spring is an excellent time to do a deep clean (you’ve probably heard the term “spring cleaning”), but you should also tackle nagging tasks that you might forget on an everyday basis.

Check the gutters. Winter can take a toll on your gutters, and putting off repairs can cause additional issues once the spring rain showers return. Look for debris stuck in the gutters, and make sure your downspouts send the water at least 5 feet from the foundation.

Repair and clean screens. Remove window screens and bring them inside for a good cleaning. Use a rag and a bucket of soapy water to clean them. Determine if any of the screens need replacing.

Remove dryer lint. Having a clogged dryer vent can be a huge fire hazard. Disconnect the vent from the back of the dryer, and use a dryer vent brush to remove the lint. Go outside, remove the dryer vent cover, and use the brush to remove lint from the other end.

Check the trees and shrubs. Heavy snow and ice can cause branches to break and litter your yard. Locate breaks on your trees and clip them. For larger branches, contact a tree company. Shrubs might need a little cleanup, so grab your pruners and give them a healthy cut.

You can get your home ready for spring by tackling just a few important tasks. You’ll be thankful you took care of these projects when the weather gets warmer and you can enjoy spending time outdoors.

Sources: Thisoldhouse.com, Housebeautiful.com, Boreal-emergency.org

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