About Sheila Siegel

Sheila is a highly respected real estate lender and financial advisor with over 29 years of industry knowledge and experience.

What Is a 1031 Exchange? How Real Estate Investors Can Put Off Paying Capital Gains

By |2021-08-11T14:55:56-07:00August 11th, 2021|Lending, Personal Finance, Real Estate|

Anyone new to real estate investing may hear some terms thrown around that they may not fully understand. One [...]

After 3 Cross-Country Moves for the Military, Here’s Why This Family Loves DIY Moving

By |2021-08-03T14:07:39-07:00August 5th, 2021|Home Improvement, Real Estate|

Moving across the country can feel like a leap into the unknown. As you say goodbye to what’s familiar [...]

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