After losing popularity for the past several years, wallpaper is making a comeback. Attractive wallpaper can make a huge difference in transforming the overall appearance and finish of a room.
However, that doesn’t mean that wallpaper is easy to hang, especially if your wallpaper has patterns that must align. If you’re working with patterned wallpaper, you might need to practice with a few sheets to make sure you’re paying attention to every detail. After all, you likely spent a lot of money on the wallpaper and don’t want to mess up the installation.
When it comes to patterned paper, there are two different types: straight match and drop match. To determine which one you have, check the label of your paper. A symbol with two arrows opposite one another signals it’s a straight match, while a drop match has a symbol with two staggered arrows.
A straight match means each strip lines up at the ceiling line, creating a horizontal pattern sequence. A drop match lines up at the ceiling with every other strip, creating a diagonal pattern sequence.
For a straight match, simply cut the paper and line up the pattern on the side furthest from you. You need to be more careful with a drop match. Place the first cut sheet on the table, and unroll the next length so the pattern matches on the near side. Pay particular attention to the patterns and make sure they align.
Adding patterned wallpaper can completely transform a room and give it detail that you won’t find by simply painting the walls. Knowing what type of patterned paper you’re using can help you when installing these beautiful sheets of paper, giving you a seamless design.
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